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We will leave these weapons up to the community to figure how they want to manager its stats. We want the community to be involved the same way gamers are involved in figuring out weapon stats. We developed the basis for all of the stats and now it’s up to the community to figure it out.

“I hope the community will enjoy figuring out these stats as much as I enjoyed creating this project. This is a passion project of mine. I wanted to bring an FPS gaming feel to the Metaverse. I love video games and I have always enjoyed collecting FPS weapons with unique stats and I hope you will too.”


Welcome to the Weapon Academy NFT community where we collect rare weapons with mythical stats that make people drool with envy.

Welcome to the Weapon Academy NFT community where we collect rare weapons with mythical stats that make people drool with envy.

“I like playing games that allows me to collect and customize my weapons.”

As an Artist who work full time, I too, enjoy playing video games in my free time. I like playing games that allows me to collect and customize my weapons. I spend a lot of hours researching my favorite weapons and playing with my friends. I love grinding for that particular Legendary weapon that everyone drools over. And I, particularly, enjoy being a part of the exclusive rare weapons club. That feeling of achievement just feel so satisfying especially when you get that one special weapon to drop. It almost feels like finding an ancient treasure artifact that holds special powers. That’s how I feel when I get that ultra rare weapon. Lately, all of the achievements in games I put my time and energy towards feels very short lived. If the developer of that game decides to reset and rebalance those weapons for the next gaming season, I’m shit out of luck! I don’t enjoy investing my time in playing certain types of games just for the fact that those achievements only last for a short duration. And if you grind that weapon near the end of a gaming season, good luck! Be prepared for the nerf police. The time invested just isn’t worth it.

“I enjoy playing games that allow me to collect and customize my hard earned weapons.”

As an artist who works full time, I too, enjoy playing video games in my free time. I like playing games that allows me to collect and customize my weapons. I spend a lot of hours researching my favorite weapons and playing with friends. And I, especially, love spend hours grinding for that particular Legendary weapon that everyone drools over. I enjoy being a part of the exclusive rare weapons club. But lately all if the achievements I get in these types of games feel short lived. It sucks to have your hard earned weapons nerfed every game season. It makes the grind not worth it.

The collection consist of 7 different types of weapons. There are 12 weapon mods that can roll at random for each weapon. These mods will either add or deduct from your total weapon stats. Each rarity type will poses different amounts of mod slots (eg. Common weapons will only have one mod slot, Uncommon weapons will have two mod slots, and etc.).



















Road Map

Road Map



Once 20% has been minted, we will drop 20 Weapon NFTs to random account holders. The first 1,000 NFT holders will get exclusive access to the next launch.



At 40% minted, we will drop 10 Weapon NFTs to random account holders. We will also raffle off three Legendary weapons to three lucky winners.



At 80% minted, we will drop another 10 Weapon NFTs to random account holders. And raffle off one rare Mythical weapon NFT to a lucky winner.



At 100% minted, we will drop 50 loot modules to random account holders. Loot modules will have unique custom keychain trinket accessories that pairs with your weapons for luck when you head into the metaverse. Update Road Map.

©2021 Weapon Academy

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